What's New (posted in summer of 2000):
I am more than a month into my new job as an investigative producer at KOB-TV. I am keeping myself very busy and have been fortunate to break some solid stories. I am also entering the freelance writing market. I already have one assignment for a national publication which has its headquarters in Pennsylvania. More on that later.
Be sure to visit my core Home Page at www.markhorner.com
The Horner Report is the Ultimate Source for the Hossencofft Case. Just click the hand below...and you'll be at the main page.
What's new with the Hossencofft Case?
It looks as if Ron Koch, due to health reasons, won't be officially representing Diazien Hossencofft much longer. A source told me Anthony Ayala has agreed to represent D. Hossencofft. I called Mr. Ayala's office. His personal secretary told me that Mr. Ayala has agreed to represent Hossencofft. However, no court papers have been filed yet confirming this alleged change in representation. I've since called Mr. Ayala's office on other occasions. He has not returned my calls.
It's looking more and more like a trial in the case won't begin until well into the year 2001. If Mr. Koch is off the case, any new attorney will have to become familiar with a substantial amount of court paperwork. No doubt, a new attorney would have designs for maneuvers of his or her own choice. Additional interviews would consume more time.
For the latest on the case, read "Of Kisses, Swords, and Child Support" on my core Home Page, www.markhorner.com